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Search Clear Seal LLG (8182)

LLG (8182)

Clear Seal
For PP, PS and COC microplates. Transparent, Peelable.
Application: Quantitative PCR, fluorescence / colorimetric optical assays.
Sealing: 2 to 3 sec 170 to 175°C
Seal Integrity: -80°C to +110°C, PCR with pressure lids
Clear Seal
For PP, PS and COC microplates. Transparent, Peelable.
Application: Quantitative PCR, fluorescence / colorimetric optical assays.
Sealing: 2 to 3 sec 170 to 175°C
Seal Integrity: -80°C to +110°C, PCR with pressure lids
PN Manuf. PN Description PK General Price Quantity Status Add
9776007 4TI-0541-WB Clear-Seal (125 x 78mm) 100 92.65 EU Search Please contact us
Search Clear Seal 3730 LLG (8184)

LLG (8184)

Clear Seal 3730
Thin clear Polyester backed film forming a piercable seal to PP, PS and COC plates.
Application: ABi 3730 capillary sequencing. Quantitative PCR. Not peelable.
Sealing: 1 sec 170 to 175°C
Seal Integrity: -80°C to +80°C, 110°C with PCR lid pressure
Clear Seal 3730
Thin clear Polyester backed film forming a piercable seal to PP, PS and COC plates.
Application: ABi 3730 capillary sequencing. Quantitative PCR. Not peelable.
Sealing: 1 sec 170 to 175°C
Seal Integrity: -80°C to +80°C, 110°C with PCR lid pressure
PN Manuf. PN PK Type General Price Quantity Status Add
9776009 4TI-0581-WB 1 Clear Seal 3730, 1000 sheets on perforated roll 623.41 EU Search Please contact us
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